
Showing posts from December, 2018

Famous Last Words: One year

  I have been in the class for basically a year now. I look the Indian Epics version in the spring, and the Mythology Folklore this semester. I am so glad I took both and I really recommend to everyone to take the counter version of what you are in. I cannot tell you how much I have learned about different cultures, people, and history through the stories I have read. It is so interesting to me how much the stories we tell can say about ourselves. This class was a little bit out of my comfort zone since I have not written any sort of fiction writing and then let someone read it since probably middle school. I really believe we reveal a lot through our writing, whether intentional or not and fictional or nonfiction. It took a lot of self-convincing to not care what people thought about my writing and stories. I feel like it has been a good exercise in growth mindset though to push myself. I do not think I had a favorite reading, but I do think I liked the India...

Review: The last one!

Revelations: Celebrating LGBTQ Stories Through Bharathanatyam I was so happy and surprised to see this video. I feel like often LGBTQ stories do not have a lot of representation in mythology or folklore so i t was so cool to see a celebration of a coming out story in this video! I also really enjoyed this graphic from  Laura's blog  because it is so accurate and also good to know that even our teacher feels the decline as the semester gets to the end. 

Tech Tip: Quote Maker

Quotes Cover This is the easiest one and my favorite yet!

Learning Challenge: Sleep

Why sleep may be more important than studying New thing: I learned about all the different phases of sleep and how they affect us Confirmed: I knew that sleep was important, but that has never stopped me from pulling an allnighter before. I think that we all undervalue sleep. Curious: I think that after this I will try to have better sleep habits to see if it really works. I am curious to see if it makes a difference. Kid sleeping,  Pixabay

Growth Mindset: Motivation

How to Turn on the Part of your Brain that Controls Motivation I knew: that I could control myself but sometimes we all lack motivation and feel unable to change that I learned: that scientist can use tools to see exactly which part of your brain is active which is a crazy thought altogether. Curious about: how this research will change things like psychotherapy about motivation and people's will to do things and this is definitely something i will research more Wikipedia , Poster

Extra Reading: Mythical Creatures

Mythical horses  from Crash Course Apollo's horse flew Nors Horse helps stop build wall in asgard turns out to be Loki Muhammad's horse travels fast Centaurs more animal than human Centaur story is put into parthenon Pegasus Persus  Winged  Unicorns greeks and romans believed them to be real had like many other animals body symbols of chasity image info:  Flickr , unicorn

Story: For the Pope's eyes only

There once was a man who pulled stones in his cart. This man, named John, worked hard and travelled far each day. He had a lot of work to do, and his tried his hardest to do it well. One day, while pulling the cart, the cart stopped. John pulled and yelled for his horse to walk on but the cart would not budge. He looked under his cart and noticed the ground started the give way, leaving his cart stuck in a hole. He ran to the nearest farm begging the men to come help him. Three men followed John to the cart and together they worked into the evening moving the cart. Finally, after of hours of work, the cart budged. The men cheered and soon saw that there was a deep hole where the cart had gotten stuck. They looked into it and talked about what could be down there. John, being a rather brave man, volunteered to go down and investigate. The other men grabbed the rope they had used for the cart and lowered John down into the hole. It was pitch black but john soon hit the bottom. ...

Wikipedia Trails: Pilate to Antigonus

Pilate I started with Pilate since he was part of a story I read this week and he was a mystery to me. There is a lot of information on him and his place in religious stories. Pilate Stone The stone was interesting to me because it actually mentions Pilate. His name is written on the stone and ancient artifacts like that are amazing to me because the fact that it is still around and that we know so much information about this time so long ago. Herod the Great He was leader from this time period. He also appears in christian stories. Again, there is a lot of information on him and his place in history. Antigonus II Mattathias I clicked on this because the name Antigonus seemed familiar to me. He was not, but it turned out to be a really interesting article about a King of the time. It is so interesting to me how history and mythology intertwine. Herod the Great,  Wikipedia

Tech Tip: Reverse Google Image Search

I have heard of this feature before but never tried it myself. It took me a couple tries to get it to work but after I reread the tech tip and saw the chrome shortcut of directly searching for the image it was super easy! Here is the image I searched for:  The image is from the Robin Hood story and here is the  link  to the blog containing the story and picture! I know most people are aware of some version of Robin Hood, but it is still a fun read to wrap up the semester if anyone is interested!

Reading Notes: Italian B

there was a man carrying a cart of stones the cart got stuck and it took great effort to move it when it was moved there was a hole in the ground where it was the cart owner offered to explore the hole himself and he was lowered with a rope into the hole in the hole he saw a door and darkness, he went through the darkness and doors until he reached a room with a man reading a paper the man would not look up from the paper and so finally the cart owner asked who he was over and over until he responded the man said that he would write on the cart owner's back who he was and the owner was to go to the pope and have it read the owner followed the instructions, leaving the hole and man and going to the pope. The man explained what happened to the pope and the pope read the man's back which said  I am Pilate" as this was spoken the cart owner turned to stone. The man was pilate, who had been sentenced to the cave to read the same sentence that he had denounced Jesu...

Reading Notes: Italian A

A king had 3 daughters and asked how much they loved him. the oldest responded as much as her eyes the middle said as much as her heart the youngest said as much as salt and water  the King heard her response and was mad about the response and called an executioner  the sisters found a dog and dressed it in the sister's garments and convinced the executioner to kill the dog instead the executioner agreed and brought the dog's tongue to the king as proof that the princess was dead.  The girl had run away to the woods and was found by a magician who took her in.  The king had a son who fell in love with her and they were to be married. Before the marriage, the magician told the girl she had to kill the him and invite her father and 2 other kings to the wedding. there she was to offer salt and water to all but her father meanwhile, her father was growing more and more guilty as years past the magician was killed and spooky things done with his bo...

Review: Ruins and Rebuilding

Design Boom So this is actually a series of gifs that rebuild the ruins and it is so freaking cool and I so recommend you clicking on the link and seeing them all. I am so obsessed with them. My mom and I have always wanted to go see the Parthenon so that was my favorite.  Then I watched this video from House of Whimsy. I had not read this story earlier in the year so it was a fun watch. It is amazing just how many mythology stories there are in one culture, let alone altogether. I feel like I could take this class 20 times and see new stories every time. 

Famous Last Words: 11 days to go

(Arlo in the mud, personal photo) I think that the crash course videos will forever be my favorite reading assignment. They are just so fun and packed full of so much information. I have made it through quite a few and even when I finish up class this week, I am going to keep watching them. I really liked this week about creation stories because it is so interesting what people came up with as what they believe brought them here. My best writing this week was probably personal writing I did. I started journaling/ attempting poetry this week. I am trying to be lenient with myself and give myself room to make mistakes, but I am not very good at that. I have a tendency to want to be perfect at everything from the beginning, which is not very growth mindset oriented or helpful. My other classes are going well. One by one they are starting to wrap up which is crazy. I feel like august and September were both 5 months long, October was a regular month, and Novemb...

Wikipedia Trails: Native American Mythologies to Sol

I am native American and although we did a unit on Native American Stories, I wanted to read more in depth and see what I could find on a broader scale. I started with Native American Mythologies which redirected to: Mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas On this page I found a bunch of information about indigenous peoples and their beliefs. It was mostly a long list because to try and fit beliefs of such a large and diverse group of people is impossible. I scrolled until I found my tribe (Muscogee Creek Nation) and clicked to see what all they had. Creek Mythology It is interesting to learn about Creek Mythology because I was raised outside the tribe and the exposure I did have was not about any stories passed down or mythology. My family members I know of were religious and created baptist churches. This is obviously an assimilation of colonial religion being forced on them, but besides a few tales about my great grandmother's superstitions, I was pretty cut o...

Learning Challenge: Happiness Jar II

So, I am not the greatest at remembering things so this week I definitely only did like 4/7 days, but once I realized I was having trouble remembering I set an alarm. This was a game changer and helping keep me on track. I really liked this idea, and appreciated the concept but I think I will tweak it from now on. While keeping in it a jar is cute, it is not really practical because the jar is going to fill up quickly. I think I am going to switch to a journal and then ask for a One Line a Day journal for Christmas. I had seen this journal before previously, and thought it was a cute idea and this will be the perfect vessel for this project to live on in. This is the one from Urban Outfitters that I like but if you type in One Line a Day Journal a bunch of options come up. They last for 5 years so I think it will work great for this and not take up a lot of space. I am really excited to get this and get started!

Growth Mindset: Sharing is Caring

My best friend is actually staying with me for the next two weeks because she is finishing classes at OCU and had to move out of her apartment early. She is moving back to Tulsa so she is in between places at the moment so this was the perfect opportunity to talk to someone about growth mindset. I think that everyone to some degree applies growth mindset but she had never heard of the exact term but definitely used some of the techniques before. We talked about it because she is graduating and cannot find a job in the exact area she wants. This is frustrating, but from a growth mindset, the jobs she has been offered will give her invaluable work experience that will allow her to move to the area she wants in just a few years. It can be easy to get caught up in getting to do exactly what you want immediately out of school, but I think talking about growth mindset can show how taking steps in the right direction is still moving forward. Image information: Work and coffee, Good Free...

Tech Tip: Quotemakers

I used  Quote Pixel  from the  Quotemakers List  to create this: As the semester, my OU experience, and year comes to an end I have been thinking a lot about what comes next. I am a big quote girl so this is one I have been thinking of. I think that I want my word for 2019 to be "intentional" because I want to make sure that everything I do is with intent, not habit or accident.

Reading Notes: Creation Stories

Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons Duality: Good/ Evil, Light/ Dark, Day/ Night Mother Earth Gaia (Mother Earth) Mother of Kronos, Titans, and One eye cyclops (100 arms, 50 heads) Mother Earth makes sense because mothers birth, are nurturing, give life/food/etc Many myths mother earths love children but not always husband Gaia mad at husband for locking away children, gave sickle to Kronos (son) who castrates father Kronos and sister have kids Kronos swallows kids Wife and parents snuck off and had zeus hiding him from Kronos Kronos is presented with "child" which is actually stone wrapped in cloth Kronos swallows stone child Zeus grows up and works to overthrow Kronos Zeus frees cyclops and titans who help overthrow Kronos, releasing siblings from belly Prose Edda creation story, Nors Enuma Elish, Babylonia  Fresh Water and Salt Water Personifications get together and produce land in form of silt deposits children create children grandkids ki...