Famous Last Words: One year

 I have been in the class for basically a year now. I look the Indian Epics version in the spring, and the Mythology Folklore this semester. I am so glad I took both and I really recommend to everyone to take the counter version of what you are in. I cannot tell you how much I have learned about different cultures, people, and history through the stories I have read. It is so interesting to me how much the stories we tell can say about ourselves.

This class was a little bit out of my comfort zone since I have not written any sort of fiction writing and then let someone read it since probably middle school. I really believe we reveal a lot through our writing, whether intentional or not and fictional or nonfiction. It took a lot of self-convincing to not care what people thought about my writing and stories. I feel like it has been a good exercise in growth mindset though to push myself.

I do not think I had a favorite reading, but I do think I liked the Indian Epics stories more than the Myth Folk. They were both great but Indian Epics was like a whole new world that I had never experienced before. I also feel like I learned more in that class because I was so unfamiliar with the material. My favorite writing I did was the Rugrats story from that class too. I am really proud of that one and the creativity of it.

I know that I will still technically be a full time student next semester (just spread between TCC and OCCC) but it still feels weird to be graduating next week. I don’t think that it has sunk in yet that I am graduating. I have been thinking a lot about it lately though, especially because my 23rd birthday is in a few weeks. I think that time goes faster at this age because life is changing so much. I feel like from 10 to 13, time moved by at a snail’s pace, but just yesterday I was 20 and in 21 days I will be 23rd. It is interesting that how we perceive time can change like that.

Anyway, I do not feel prepared at all for the future, although that has never stopped the future in the past, so who knows what will happen next. I do hope it is great though. Happy end of semester everyone!


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