
Showing posts from August, 2018

Dealings of Gold

I was minding my own business one day, as I always do, and then I heard the saddest noise. It was a girl crying so I followed the sound to the castle. There I found the most beautiful woman. She told me of the predicament she found herself in. It seems that there was a misunderstanding between her and her mother.             It all began with a slip of a few words, which led her to believe she could eat the five pies her mother had just baked. It was a simple confusion, but of course, her mother was angry. To taunt her about the mistake she began to sing a song about it, but it also so happen that the king was walking by that day and heard the mother’s song. The mother was embarrassed that her daughter had been so thoughtless and ate all five pies, so when asked about the song, the mother said that it was about her daughter sewing five gold strings. The king was so impressed that he married the mother on the condit...

Reading Notes: English Fairy Tales A

I read the old woman and her pig. In this story, an old woman finds some money and decides that with the money she is going to buy a pig. On her way home from buying the pig she came across a stile, a structure meant to keep animals from passing but humans can get over. She tried to force the pig to continue but could not. She asked the dog to bite the pig to scare it over, but it would not. She then asked a stick to beat the dog so the dog would bite the pig, but it would not. The then asks a fire to burn the stick so it will beat the dog, but again nothing. The story goes on and adds many parts until eventually she bribes someone to do what she wants which leads a domino effect, ending with the pig getting bitten and scared over the stile, and the woman getting home. Bibliography:  English Fairy Tales  by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890). Photo Info: Story beginning,  Flickr

Time Strategies

(Clock,  Pixabay ) This is still one of my favorite type of assignments because I feel like I learn a lot about the subject but also about myself through the readings.  The Important Habit of Just Starting : I really enjoyed this article because it put procrastination and time management into an easily understandable context. I really liked the equation about motivation and all the things that go into having motivation. The main take away from this article is that starting can be the hardest part. How to Beat Procrastination : This article has almost a checklist to follow that will help stop procrastination. I wrote it in the beginning of my planner so that I can see that while tasks may seem huge, if I break anything down it can be manageable. Why Time Management is Ruining Our Lives : This article makes the connection between time management and anxiety which I found super helpful. One of my biggest problems with procrastination is that I get anxious about doi...


(Wires,  Flickr ) Last semester I really thought that the chrome tools were most useful. Knowing your word count and if something was spelled wrong in chrome is super convenient and really helps the assignments go easier. So keep up with people's tech tip because they are helpful and interesting!


(Pen on paper,  Flickr ) Having taken the other course like this last semester, my favorite assignments were actually the extra credit. I liked the freedom and room for growth that they bring as well as allowing me to get bonus points/finish the class early! This semester I hope to utilize them earlier on since I waited a while to get into the habit of doing them last semester which meant that I finished later than I wanted to. Also, I have a lot of the tech tips implemented from the start so that is a major plus.

Growth Mindset

(Plant growing in rocks,  Flickr ) I took the Indian Epics counterpart to this course in the spring so I am familiar with the concept. Also, as I have learned more about it, it seems to pop up in unexpected places. My capstone class in the spring also spoke a lot about the power of growth mindset. Although it has critics, I do not really see the harm in believing in it. I think that we definitely create our own realities and believing that you can improve yourself through Growth Mindset seems to have very few cons. I am very much an overthinker and can easily get in my head when things do not go perfectly so I have really appreciated learning about Growth Mindset and tactics to overcome my thoughts. I had already done the growth mindset videos so I picked two new ones from the  Growth Mindset Playlist . I am a sucker for Ted Talks so I started by watching  The Power of Belief . It is a really interesting story about how applicable Growth Mindset can be and then of ...

Storybook Favorites

Toto's Adventures in Oz I am a sucker for Wizard of Oz/Wicked themed things since both were such a big part of my childhood so the title and description of this storybook immediately drew me in. The whole concept was something I had never thought of, and a fun new look on the Oz narrative. It showed how much fun these storybooks can be, and how looking at something from a new perspective can bring out a whole new tale. While the pictures and titles went with the story, the overall look of the website seemed a little basic and maybe done a little quickly. I liked the story though. OU's Haunted Halls I really enjoyed that this storybook was OU based. It made it personally interesting to me. I knew that there was a Ghost tour for campus, but I have never been on it. It was really neat to see these ghost stories told in different ways. The pictures and titles went really well with the stories.  The introduction also felt like a campfire scary story beginning so it made me curio...

Introduction to an Almost Graduate

Hello! My name is Kennedie Milligan and I am a (super)senior at the University of Oklahoma. I am a Communication major, a Women and Gender Studies minor, and am also pre-nursing. These three things may seem like a random grouping, but I have a lot of interests and am slightly indecisive, so this is what I have come up with. I went to high school in Broken Arrow and that is where my parents still live today. I have 3 brothers, and from my older brother I have 3 nieces. My entire family is pretty much in Oklahoma and has been my entire life. There is not a lot I am sure of in life, but I am sure that I need out of this state. I am graduating in December and then I am going to nursing school. I want to go to a accelerated program for my BSN out of state, because I am afraid if I don’t leave now then I will never get out. I just decided to do nursing last August (hence the extra semester of undergrad to get my prereqs in) and so I am a little late to that game. I have always k...

My Favorite Place: Airplanes

 (Airplane in Sky, Source:  Flickr ) There is nothing quite like the anticipation of getting on a plane. I know many people who hate flying and the risks that go with it, but for me, the excitement of getting to go to a new place or having just experienced a new city is worth any risk associated. While the whole process of getting to the airport, dropping off bags, going through security, and finding your gate may seem tedious to many, to me it is the beginning of a new adventure. (Image Information: personal photo out of plane window 2014) I have only been on about 14 flights for total of 4 trips in my whole life, but they easily hold some of my favorite memories. From making friends with the man in the next seat who was designing a more environmentally friendly plastic water bottle to befriending the cute kids whose mom definitely needed a break, airports are a unique opportunity to make fast friends without any expectations.  So while I have visited New Yo...

TESTING 1, 2, 3

Test post!