Growth Mindset

(Plant growing in rocks, Flickr)

I took the Indian Epics counterpart to this course in the spring so I am familiar with the concept. Also, as I have learned more about it, it seems to pop up in unexpected places. My capstone class in the spring also spoke a lot about the power of growth mindset. Although it has critics, I do not really see the harm in believing in it. I think that we definitely create our own realities and believing that you can improve yourself through Growth Mindset seems to have very few cons. I am very much an overthinker and can easily get in my head when things do not go perfectly so I have really appreciated learning about Growth Mindset and tactics to overcome my thoughts.

I had already done the growth mindset videos so I picked two new ones from the Growth Mindset Playlist. I am a sucker for Ted Talks so I started by watching The Power of Belief. It is a really interesting story about how applicable Growth Mindset can be and then of course in TedTalk style gives easy take aways. I also watched 29 Ways to Stay Creative. This video was a short and sweet reminder of easy things we can all do to not only stay creative, but stay sane during the semester. I recommend it to everyone because it has easy and fun tips like make sure to take breaks and to go on new adventures.

If you haven't learned about Growth Mindset, like I hadn't before Indian Epics, I think you are going to really enjoy this semester and I recommend doing the extra credit Growth Mindset assignments each week to keep growing your Growth Mindset.


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