Time Strategies

(Clock, Pixabay)

This is still one of my favorite type of assignments because I feel like I learn a lot about the subject but also about myself through the readings. 

The Important Habit of Just Starting: I really enjoyed this article because it put procrastination and time management into an easily understandable context. I really liked the equation about motivation and all the things that go into having motivation. The main take away from this article is that starting can be the hardest part.

How to Beat Procrastination: This article has almost a checklist to follow that will help stop procrastination. I wrote it in the beginning of my planner so that I can see that while tasks may seem huge, if I break anything down it can be manageable.

Why Time Management is Ruining Our Lives: This article makes the connection between time management and anxiety which I found super helpful. One of my biggest problems with procrastination is that I get anxious about doing something until I can't or don't do it, which makes my anxiety worse which means I do less and less work until I don't do anything. It is comforting that people as smart as Google employees also face this problem.


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