Week 10: Native American Stories A

The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds

Children waiting to hear story.
Little girl asks about mountains.
Story teller tells of how the world used to be.
Then all the animals and humans lived in peace. 
They all came to the valley to drink from the water. 
There was a little boy and girl who had a pool seemingly made for them.
During one hot summer day they stayed in the pool longer than usual and when they got out they were chilled. 
They ran up to the top of a rock to lay out and get warm. 
They fell asleep.
While asleep the rock formation grew.
Their mother and father became worried when they couldnt find them.
The animals helped them search until they realized they were on the huge rock mountain. 
All the animals tried to climb up to get them but no one had any luck.
Finally a measuring worm wanted to try. 
Everyone thought it was silly but there was no harm in trying. 
It took the measuring worm a month but slowly he got to the top with perseverance and then lead the children back down a path no one else knew.

Image Information: Clouds, Pixabay
Bibliography: American Indian Fairy Tales by W.T. Larned, with illustrations by John Rae (1921). 


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