Topic Brainstorm

I am very indecisive and like a lot of random things so picking a project idea is always hard for me. Looking through the links though, I found several ideas that seemed very interesting.

Moon, Pexels

Man in the Moon: I love moon/space based things because I believe that the moon has an affect on us. Also, I am a big fan of zodiac/horoscopes so reading about these things has always been interesting to me. I liked the Man on the Moon because I think it is a common tale that most of us know some version of, even if it is just a connection to DreamWorks movies.

Cultural Depictions of the Dog: I am a big animal lover and having a dog of my own has made me an even bigger fan. I think it would be a cool project to focus on the evolution of how people viewed these great animals.

Chain Letters: Having grown up with the internet, I have come across many chain letters/messages, but it was amazing to many how much history they have behind them. I assumed that chain mail started with email, but the fact that it goes back way farther than that is so cool!

Dragons: Dragons are something that most people are familiar with. I love Game of Thrones so seeing how cultural depictions of them may have affected Game of Thrones would be very interesting. There are so many depictions and different ideas surrounding dragons that go back so far that there is so much information to choose from.


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